是一家专业从事金属制品(办公文件存储系统)和板式,实木办公家具,各种精密治具的技术开发,设计及销售的有限责任公司。有丰富的金属制品、办公屏风等高档家具的市场销售及运作经验。并在此基础上成立了天津切瑞蒂国际贸易有限公司,公司稳健的经营作风及良好的销售业绩一直为同行所称道,并赢得了许多大型生产加工型企业的青睐,公司管理人员有着超过5年的办公家具行业从业经验,曾服务的客户包括:一汽丰田销售有限公司,VISHAY,CTS,,PPG,TI AUTOMOTIVE,DENSO,AISIN,HANACO,GRAMMER,MMI,YCH,Vestas,冀东油田,华北油田,大港油田等等。
Our products scope:
all sorts of metal products (e.g. Office storage system), laminate/wooden Office furnitures and precise die/tools etc.
Our customers in Tianjin:
owing to our *****pany's implemented management system and the experienced production talents, we gained the trust of some large well-known cusomers, such as Toyota(China), Vishay, CTS,PPG, TI Automotive etc.
Products we agent
Besides the furnitures self made, we are also agents of some international office furnitures *****panies, such as Paustian, Okamura, Link etc.
Our wills
We would be devoted to offer our customers the top design and diversified high-quality products to meet the specific requests.